Tutor Name | Patricia McKay |
Tutor Email | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
Tutor Information Update |
Student's Name | Betul Orscek |
Student Information Update |
Date this report is made | 07/28/2022 |
Reporting for this Month | July |
Reporting for this Year | 2022 |
Tutor preparation time (hours) | .75 hour |
Total Time with Student (hours) | 4 hours, 3 minutes |
Tutor travel time (hours) | .50 hour |
What reading materials are being used? | Transcripts from audio stories |
What writings have been done? | Betul is keeping a journal although I have not seen any entries. |
What LVORC activities has the student participated in? | None |
Additional comments or student accomplishments. | We have met both in person and on Zoom this month. We only met twice because of her son being at home over the summer, my own illness, and Betul's trip to visit her family in Turkey. She is there as I write this report on 7/28/22. |
Are there any changes to the student’s employment status? |
Are there any changes to the student’s learning goals, or life goals? |