Tutor NameCaroline Nelson
Tutor EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Tutor Information Update
  • No
Student's NameThein Gi Win
Student Information Update
  • No
Date this report is made03/09/2022
Reporting for this MonthFebruary
Reporting for this Year2022
Tutor preparation time (hours)8
Total Time with Student (hours)4.5
Tutor travel time (hours)0
What reading materials are being used?We are so far sticking to conversations and shorter dialogues. I have found 'The Pizza Tastes Great: Dialogues and Stories' to be very helpful.
What writings have been done?Thein has been taking notes but I have not seen them yet, as we have been on Zoom. We will be practicing typing this coming week.
Additional comments or student accomplishments.

I am still getting a sense of where Thein is in her learning journey and navigating how best to help her over Zoom. She is very motivated but there is still a lot getting lost in translation between the two of us. Nevertheless, I'm optimistic that we are slowly getting into a rhythm.

Are there any changes to the student’s employment status?
  • No
Are there any changes to the student’s learning goals, or life goals?
  • No