Literacy Volunteers of Rensselaer County has 5 volunteer Tutor Trainers who are EXCELLENT, experienced presenters, many with years of experience as a tutor. These trainers and LVORC staff met recently to evaluate 2010-11’s training sessions and plan for 2011-12. The next series of 3-hour training for our volunteer tutors will be offered at 6:00 pm at Faith Lutheran Church in Troy as follows: 9/12 = Orientation, 9/19 = Basic Literacy 1. 9/26=Basic Literacy 2, 10/3 = English Language Learners 1, 10/17 = English Language Learners 2 and 10/24 = Successful Tutoring. We’re also planning some very useful sessions with dynamic guest presenters for our current tutors that will include: Steps to Citizenship; Testing 101; Working with a small group of students; Teaching Writing; Incorporating Financial Literacy into Tutoring Sessions and more. Check out our web site for more information.