Tutor Name | Michael Connolly |
Tutor Email | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
Tutor Information Update |
Student's Name | Mohammad Al Dohni |
Student Information Update |
Date this report is made | 01/04/2022 |
Reporting for this Month | December |
Reporting for this Year | 2021 |
Tutor preparation time (hours) | .5 |
Total Time with Student (hours) | 2 |
Tutor travel time (hours) | .5 |
What reading materials are being used? | Dialogues off the internet selected to be appropriate for his reading level. |
What writings have been done? | None |
What LVORC activities has the student participated in? | None |
Additional comments or student accomplishments. | Mohammad got Covid mid December which made it impossible to meet for several weeks. |
Are there any changes to the student’s employment status? |
Are there any changes to the student’s learning goals, or life goals? |