Tutor NamePatricia McKay
Tutor EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Tutor Information Update
  • No
Student's NameBetul Orscek
Student Information Update
  • No
Date this report is made04/19/2021
Reporting for this MonthMarch
Reporting for this Year2021
Tutor preparation time (hours)I was not recording this so I can only estimate: 4 hours
Total Time with Student (hours)18 hours, 43 minutes
Tutor travel time (hours)None-using Zoom platform online
What reading materials are being used?Transcripts of audio conversations or stories; subtitles on VOA60 news
What writings have been done?Betul wrote a story for the LVORC student journal. We use dictation as a way for her to practice writing sentences in proper word order. She completed an online pre-vaccination form with my help during lesson.
What LVORC activities has the student participated in?None.
Additional comments or student accomplishments.

Betul continues to work for GrubHub, delivering food. She was happy to have a page of food service vocabulary for situations that might occur on her job. My brother is a culinary arts teacher at Johnson and Wales in Providence, RI. He helped me to develop a chart of useful terms for the type of work she does. We reviewed in together using Screen Share, and she requested I send it to her so she could print it out and carry it with her. I asked her to add to it as she faces new situations. My research online for such a resource turned up nothing, and it seems quite a few people who perform these deliveries are English language learners. I hope to refine this document for other people. Betul tells me that most deliveries are contact-less, which she prefers, but not all of them are. She has had to deal with dogs, incorrect house numbers, and people meeting her at the door when she expected to simply leave the food on the porch.

Are there any changes to the student’s employment status?
  • No
Are there any changes to the student’s learning goals, or life goals?
  • No