Tutor NamePatricia McKay
Tutor EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Tutor Information Update
  • No
Student's NameBetul Orscek
Student Information Update
  • No
Date this report is made04/29/2021
Reporting for this MonthApril
Reporting for this Year2021
Tutor preparation time (hours)1.5 hours
Total Time with Student (hours)7 hours, 7 minutes
Tutor travel time (hours)0
What reading materials are being used?Because Betul's primary focus is to improve her listening comprehension, the only reading materials we use are the transcripts for the audio stories we listen to.
What writings have been done?Betul recently completed a poem using the "I Am" template shared by LVORC. She found it difficult to do alone but was much more comfortable when we worked on it together.
What LVORC activities has the student participated in?None
Additional comments or student accomplishments.

Betul and her family took some time for short day trips during their son's school vacation, so we did not meet that first week of April. Then, Betul had a reaction to her second vaccination, so we missed another week.
Since April 12, they have been observing Ramadan and her activities are much reduced. She is not performing her job as a Grub Hub delivery driver during this period.

Are there any changes to the student’s employment status?
  • No
Are there any changes to the student’s learning goals, or life goals?
  • No