Tutor NamePaula Murphy
Tutor EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Tutor Information Update
  • No
Student's NameSibel Mirlay
Student Information Update
  • No
Date this report is made06/02/2021
Reporting for this MonthMay
Reporting for this Year2021
Tutor preparation time (hours)4
Total Time with Student (hours)4
Tutor travel time (hours)0
What reading materials are being used?The House on Mango Street, TU News articles, emails to each other
What writings have been done?emails
What LVORC activities has the student participated in?none
Additional comments or student accomplishments.

It has been difficult to meet because of Sibel's job. She gets home later than our 3:30 time and some times we have to move the day. I am pretty flexible with my time. But I don't feel incentive to plan much.
She is working 30+ hours a week, plus driving for GrubHub with her husband. This has limited her free time to do any homework. She had been virtually meeting daily with some friends to talk English. But this has stopped because of her job. So we mostly talk which she needs. Yesterday I had her explain more about why they came to the US and about her family history.

We will continue to meet weekly over the summer, although I do have some conflicts in June and maybe August travel plans.

I would like to come down to the Library to talk a bit more about lesson plans for Sibel as well as return a few things to the Literacy Library that I borrowed in October 2019.

Are there any changes to the student’s employment status?
  • No
Are there any changes to the student’s learning goals, or life goals?
  • Yes
Program goal changes

Study for Citizenship exam
Improve English to get a better job.