Tutor NameAnne SCHOTT
Tutor EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Tutor Information Update
  • No
Student's NameOzlem Bayer
Student Information Update
  • No
Date this report is made11/03/2021
Reporting for this MonthOctober
Reporting for this Year2021
Tutor preparation time (hours)3 hrs.
Total Time with Student (hours)11 hrs.
Tutor travel time (hours)0
What reading materials are being used?We are continuing to read a novel about the experiences of young people who are displaced as a result of political conflict.
What writings have been done?Ozlem is not writing and resists doing so despite my encouragement.
What LVORC activities has the student participated in?none
Additional comments or student accomplishments.

Ozlem's plans continue to change, recently because her husband has accepted a job in St. Louis where he attended graduate school. His job starts immediately although when the whole family will move is uncertain, depending on the availability of an apartment in St. Louis, and the end of the pre-school year for their 4-year old son.

Are there any changes to the student’s employment status?
  • No
Are there any changes to the student’s learning goals, or life goals?
  • Yes
Program goal changes

Ozlem is still planning to qualify for a position in health care but when and how she will be able to accomplish that now depends on the opportunities available in Missouri. Her plan to attend a course in phlebotomy will not be possible with her husband out of town because she will have no one to watch her son while she is in class.